Thursday, May 22, 2008

Print Journalism # 3

I thought that everyones newspaper ideas were amazing. I am not a media studies major and not that creative so seeing all these different ideas come together. I was the most impressed with the newspaper that is just a transparent piece of paper. I think that the school newspaper is a good idea but personally I do not read it. I have never got into the whole idea of reading the news, if its not CNN or the news channel I just dont get into it. I am not proud of this by any means but I feel like I never have time to sit down and read. I will have it playing in the background and where I work CNN is on the television the whole time so I just am used to listening to the news rather then read it. Back to the school paper I think having the news about school out there is great for the students. After writing this blog it has opened my eyes to the fact that I need to read more and stop being so lazy.

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