Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Books and Magazines-HW #2

When thinking about books and magazines and how they play a part in my life, I really think the only time books have played a part in my life is school related and when I was a child. I do not really read books at all now. I have to much on my plate to sit down and enjoy a good read. I would love to change this but have a feeling that it will have to be once I am out in the real world not in a college life style. When I was younger it played almost a bonding role with my parents, I have not read anything that was banned or taken away from my parents or even teachers. The issue with magazines is a different story. I rely heavily on them for entertainment purposes as well as catching up with the latest gossip and news. I think with magazines everytime I read them they do influence me on who I am, I could read a fitness magazine and change my diet or even exercise routine, I could read cosmo and change my love life, I could read a fashion magazine and change the way I dress. I think that every form of media in a way shapes many of us to a certain extent. I love magazines and could not live with out them and hope to change my routine with books.

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