Thursday, May 22, 2008

Music HW #4

Music has changed so much over the past 100 years, It has went from one type of music to different genres based towards certain groups. I think the different from the past to now, the record sales in the past declined once radio came onto the scene but now the sales almost raise because of the fact that the radio plays. Music has come from just the radio to the T.V. and the newest addition is the slashing of the radio and the records to just being able to simply download it off the internet. But from day one it has changed the outlook of many. Music has a big impact on my life. I listen music all the time, living 5 hours away I spend a lot of time in the car so thats when I listen the most. I think I have looked to music as a support system sometimes as well.,9171,1592612,00.html

Print Journalism # 3

I thought that everyones newspaper ideas were amazing. I am not a media studies major and not that creative so seeing all these different ideas come together. I was the most impressed with the newspaper that is just a transparent piece of paper. I think that the school newspaper is a good idea but personally I do not read it. I have never got into the whole idea of reading the news, if its not CNN or the news channel I just dont get into it. I am not proud of this by any means but I feel like I never have time to sit down and read. I will have it playing in the background and where I work CNN is on the television the whole time so I just am used to listening to the news rather then read it. Back to the school paper I think having the news about school out there is great for the students. After writing this blog it has opened my eyes to the fact that I need to read more and stop being so lazy.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Books and Magazines-HW #2

When thinking about books and magazines and how they play a part in my life, I really think the only time books have played a part in my life is school related and when I was a child. I do not really read books at all now. I have to much on my plate to sit down and enjoy a good read. I would love to change this but have a feeling that it will have to be once I am out in the real world not in a college life style. When I was younger it played almost a bonding role with my parents, I have not read anything that was banned or taken away from my parents or even teachers. The issue with magazines is a different story. I rely heavily on them for entertainment purposes as well as catching up with the latest gossip and news. I think with magazines everytime I read them they do influence me on who I am, I could read a fitness magazine and change my diet or even exercise routine, I could read cosmo and change my love life, I could read a fashion magazine and change the way I dress. I think that every form of media in a way shapes many of us to a certain extent. I love magazines and could not live with out them and hope to change my routine with books.

How do you get info daily? HW #1

I think media effects me in a great way. I can not go anywhere with out my cell phone, the crazy thing about that is less then ten years ago I would not have even thought to grab my cell phone on the way out of the house. I have never been a computer person and now that this is the age of the internet, I have had to really sit down and work "internet" time into my day. I am the type of person that can not stand quiet, so I have the t.v. on even if I am not watching it. I listen to the radio or my C.D.'s at all times when I am in my car there is never a time when it is silent. As stated above my cell phone is always in use, no matter what. Since I am not an internet person, I have to force myself just to get online so there is no AIM in my media use what so ever. I was sitting in my living room last night and looked around at my roommates and there was not one person the whole time not engaging in the many forms of media. I effects us all and its only going to get more intense.